ELEXACO Speed 400 Competition:

The Old Time Eagles will make a special effort to expand and promote the Elexaco competition during our Thursday night meetings at the field in Fairlawn.  Let's all participate and make this a fun event for everyone.

Required Setup

Elexaco Rules

Timed from either ROG or hand launch, motor is allowed to run for 2 minutes, then must be shut off by the pilot.  If motor is shut off prior to 2 minutes, it is not to be turned back on.  If it is turned back on the pilot is disqualified.  Flight is timed for a maximum of 15 minutes to landing.  Final score is based on one point per second (max. 900 points).  Exceeding the 15 minute flight time results in a penalty of one point per second.  A two dollar per pilot entry fee is collected at the start of the contest and half of the fees collected go to the winning pilot with the other half going to the club.

Good luck!